The Archdiocese of Ottawa believes that the earliest a child may be offered the Sacrament of Holy Communion is age 7 (grade 2). Some families have wisely chosen to wait a year or two before committing to our preparation program due to an already full extra-curricular schedule, or too much going on in their personal lives. This important stage of initiation into the Catholic faith is not to be rushed, or taken lightly. The good news is that preparations for Reconciliation and Holy Communion will be taking place in our parish on an ongoing basis, so you can choose when the time is right for your family to begin.
Receiving Jesus in Holy Communion is a special moment in someone’s life, especially the first time. We believe that someone should receive this sacrament when they are ready, and not just because they have reached a certain age. Ready means: having an understanding, and a hunger for that which is to be received. In addition, candidates and their families must demonstrate that they intend to continue this weekly faith practice after their first celebration of this sacrament, so that it does not become a “one and done” experience.
Holy Communion unites us to our God in such a special way, that we are called to seek this union at least weekly. Therefore, the decision to prepare for First Holy Communion requires a serious commitment of time, and a proper disposition by both the child and their parents.
Is your child ready to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion? Preparation will begin next year in October 2025, First Reconciliation celebrated end of November 2025 and First Holy Communion celebrated after Easter in April / May 2026.
A reminder that children can only receive the Sacraments if they have first been baptized. A copy of your child’s baptismal certificate is required to complete the registration. If your child hasn’t been baptized yet, and you would like to have the Sacrament celebrated, please contact Antonella, our Sacramental Coordinator at (613) 592-1961 (ext.1).