The Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall believes that the earliest a child may be offered the Sacrament of Confirmation is Grade 6. However, the preparation and celebration of this sacrament is not done by class, nor by school. This important stage of initiation into the Catholic faith is not to be rushed, or taken lightly.
Being confirmed into the Catholic faith is a special moment in someone’s life. We believe that someone should receive this sacrament when they are ready, and not just because they have reached a certain age. Ready means: having an understanding, and a hunger for that which is to be received. In addition, candidates and their families must demonstrate that they intend to practice the faith weekly, since Confirmation completes someone’s initiation as a full-member into the Catholic Church.
The next opportunity for registration in order to prepare for and receive the sacrament of Confirmation will begin in January 2025.
Parents are invited to attend one of the following information meetings in the church:
Choose one: Thursday, January 30th, 2025 at 7:00 pm OR: Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 after the 11:00 am Mass.
NOTE: This meeting is for parents; candidates may attend but it isn’t required.
To sign up for either meeting, and to register your child, please click on the links below.
If you have any questions please contact Antonella, Sacramental Coordinator, by phone: (613) 592-1961 ext. 1.