The Biggest Lie In The History Of Christianity

By: Matthew Kelly

Nobody likes it when someone ruins the ending of a movie or story. Similarly, the title of this book is one of those teases that makes you wonder what the “biggest lie in the history of Christianity” could be. I’m going to tell you what Kelly thinks this lie is, so if you don’t want to know, stop reading this book recommendation for this month, and just go read the book yourself.

I’m warning you… I’m going to reveal the punch line of this book. This is your last chance to turn away and stop reading this if you don’t want to know….

Spoiler alert!

Matthew Kelly believes that the biggest lie in the history of Christianity, is that personal holiness is not really possible. And if not possible, then why should we bother trying to be holy. The extension of that lie is that we, as Christians, believe that we cannot really change the world, because society with all its problems is impossible to change.

Kelly opens up about how these two beliefs are not true. In fact, he says that they are lies used by the evil one to deceive us, and prevent us from even trying. Kelly describes how these lies have “lulled Christians to sleep” preventing them from becoming holy, and from changing the world for the better.

Kelly describes how we can start by taking those first steps to personal holiness – he calls them “little holy moments.” As we increase the number of these “holy moments” over time, they help us become holy. Kelly also describes how we can change the world as Christians by simply starting with 3 people, and allowing the natural multiplication of these efforts to spread throughout the world.

Matthew Kelly’s books are so easy to read, and full of great insights. This is another one of his great books that if taken to heart, can truly change your life, and our world.