Pastoral Care

Our mission statement is: “Transforming lives. Making disciples (Matt:28:19)”. Our parish looks beyond its physical walls and always strives to make a difference in the community of Kanata North, bringing healing, comfort and compassion to those sick, homebound or grieving the loss of a loved one.

Our Pastoral Care Ministers provide compassionate Catholic support, Liturgy and the Eucharist on Fridays and Saturdays to housebound parishioners, patients at the  Bradley Gracious Retirement Living, Brookside and Forest Hill residences.

Our current Pastoral Care Ministry would like to assist at other facilities, visit isolated shut-ins in neighboring apartments and possibly introduce a social group for adults ages 55 and up. More specifically in visiting long- term facilities, the volunteer’s commitment would be approximately one hour weekly or bi-weekly. We will also be forming teams of two to do pastoral visits bringing Communion to parishioners who can no longer attend Mass – this commitment would be approximately 45 minutes per visit. Lastly, we are interested in finding volunteers who would be willing to organize a social club. In all of these commitments, appropriate training would be provided. Pending the number of volunteers that are recruited, the time commitment in each of these ministries would hopefully not be too onerous.

If you are interested in assisting with this ministry, you may either call the Parish Office, leave your contact information at the Welcome Centre, or fill in our volunteer form : Thank you !