Parish Events
Parish Picnic
Bring your lawn chairs or your picnic blanket. Hamburgers and Hotdogs will be prepared by the Knights of Columbus. Offerings of salads [...]
Summer Bible Camp: July 15 – July 19, 2019: 9am-3pm
“God and Me” To register for our Summer Bible Camp 2019, click here to open and print the registration form. If you [...]
Federal Election Polling Station
Monday, October 21st there will be a polling station in our parish hall for the Federal Elections. We encourage all those of [...]
Bible Study
Deacon Des Adam invites you to a Bible Study that will focus on the period of time around the birth of Jesus [...]
Potluck Lunch for Fr. Matthew’s birthday and Priestly Ordination
Fr. Matthew is celebrating two very special occasions this January, his 40th birthday, and the 6th Anniversary of his Priestly Ordination. Our [...]
Volunteer Appreciation Social
There will be a social event in honour of all those who volunteer in Parish Ministry. Your contributions to the parish are [...]