Ushers and collectors play an important role during weekend Masses by ensuring that donations are collected and that parishioners have assistance if they need it. Ushers arrive 20 minutes prior to Mass to greet parishioners and help anyone needing aid or information.

As required, ushers recruit parishioners to help with the collection (so there are four collectors in total) when it is taken up during Mass after the Prayers of the Faithful. After completing the collection, ushers ensure donations are properly put away and secured.

Anyone can be an usher and collector – no prior experience required. It is a great way to get started in ministry and for high schoolers to complete their community service hours. Training is provided and takes about 20 minutes.

A minimum of 2 ushers and collectors are scheduled for each weekend Mass. The schedule is flexible and can accommodate a volunteer’s calendar and availability.

For more information, please contact the Parish Office.